Sunday, April 20, 2014

Blog Post 13: Blog about Blogging

The assignment that I think would have been interesting and fun for this class is what I would call a Blog about Blogging. This assignment would not only be educational for the students but it would play a key role in community out reach that could better our education systems here at home.

Instructions: For this blog you will have to think about the benefits of blogging while utilizing your Personal Learning Network. This blog can be done individually or as a group. For this assignment the students will have to get in touch with a teacher of their choice. Each student must talk to the teacher about how blogging can benefit them in their classrooms. After talking with the teacher the students must post what they have done to their blog through a video, slide show, or a written text. Students also should post pictures from their interviews or discussions to their blogs.

While talking with with the teacher that I used for my interview I realized that many teachers are not utilizing blogging as an educational tool. Many f the teachers at his school didn't even know how to set up a blog and had no idea that a blog could connect them with others around the world. This is why i set up a blogging class for the teachers at this school. In this class I referenced several educators that have expanded their class rooms through blogging. One of which is Ken Halla who was a C4T assignment I had in the past. Mr. Halla has turned his blog into a must read media sensation that many newspapers have written stories about. He has also received a book deal. All because he wanted to connect his class with others. The class that I am setting up is a simple getting started class. I will show the teachers how to set up blogs and how to find others. I will also show them a few HTML codes. I called this class Bridge The Gap. I felt that this title best fits what I was trying to do. Bridge the gap between classrooms and teachers. I was surprised at how many teachers and faculty where so welcoming to my idea and were more than wiling to participate.
Bridging the Gap picture of a bridge  over water

1 comment:

  1. Great post, Ben! I think this would be a great idea for this class since we use blogging so much. Blogging is a great resource for our PLN's. Blogging can be useful to any teacher, elementary or secondary! Keep up the good work.
